Social Media
Brief Form

Fill out this social media brief form so that our SMM team will have the information needed to ensure we accurately represent your company. Be sure to answer all questions accurately – keeping in mind that your answers should reflect your TARGET audience – so we can promote your company’s products and services. Please provide any specials or promotions along with any other information that will help us grow your brand.

    Contact Information

    Personal Information

    Products & Services

    Social Media Account Set UpSocial Media Account ManagementSocial Media Content CreationSocial Media Business Strategy

    FacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedIn (Page)PinterestSnapchatYouTube (Channel)

    Target RegionTarget Audience

    Better PriceMore ConvenientBetter ServiceBetter AppearanceBetter ReputationReliable Company MissionMore ReliableOther

    Gain Additional ClientsRaise AwarenessRaise ReputationCommunicate and Engage with CustomersGrow a CommunityAllow Customers to Interact with CompanyShowcase Services/ProductsOther

    Email MarketingSocial MediaDirect MailPrintTV and RadioOnline MarketingReferral/Word of MouthTrade Shows/FairsOther
