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What types of formats does your book cover design include?
We offer 3 different options:
– Paperback & eBook
– Hardcover & eBook
– Paperback, Hardcover, & eBook
Do your hardback and paperback book designs include the front, spine, and back cover?
Yes, you will receive the entire book cover design. If your book has at least 18 pages, you will also get a file for the spine.
Are stock images included?
Yes, we use images from Shutterstock under the standard license and include them in your purchase price.
What is typesetting?
Typesetting is the process of arranging text and images on a page for printing. It includes selecting fonts, adjusting font size and spacing, setting margins, and creating page layouts.
Why is typesetting important?
Typesetting is crucial because it affects a book’s readability and overall aesthetic. Well-designed typesetting can improve the flow and coherence of the text, making it easier to read and understand.
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